Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thing #6 iTouch Apps

First, in the interest of transparency, I must say I own a Blackberry. I LOVE my Blackberry. I've never been a fan of Apple anything, except iTunes and my iPod which I actually do love and use all the time. Otherwise, I'm purely a PC kinda girl. Admittedly, I was way less than excited when I first read the instructions for this "Thing."

Having made my disclaimer, I did borrow my daughter's iTouch (which, by the way, was a "must have" last fall, so she saved her money and bought it herself; I got her iPod hand-me-down, and instantly fell in love, but I digress....). I found the actual process very similar to downloading apps to by Blackberry, and there are several cool iTouch apps: a Spanish translator, a learn-to-play chess app (something I've always thought I should do - maybe I'll add it to my bucket list), some flash cards, and a general tuturial app.

However, our students are prohibited from bringing electronic/digital devices to school, so this "Thing," despite its coolness, seems fairly futile for our building. Therefore, I'm having trouble discerning advantages of making a list of uses for the iTouch in the library. Maybe I'm missing something....

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